Simulate a \(y_k\) for each sample in a larger model; or
Sum out \(y_k\) according to \(Pr[y_k|\lambda]\)
Conceptual match
Sampling a larger population we are trying to estimate
For non-zero estimates the MOE informs us about over-dispersion of the counts
For zero estimate the MOE tells us how many we might expect to *try* to
count before we count one successfully
In all cases the MOE plus a single observation leave uncertainty about the distribution
Further uncertainty comes from the sampling of the counts from the distribution
Helpful properties
All sampled counts are positive integers
Sampled counts should include observed census counts
Calibration should match the calibration of census estimates
(Calibration is worth testing via simulation)
Downstream Estimates
Populations are typically used as denominators in downstream estimates
When the numerator, \(x\), is known precisely, the uncertainty in the population,
\(N\) can be included directly by calculating \(Pr[x/N]\) from \(Pr[N]\)
When the numerator should be estimated in the context of denominator uncertainty,
there is no direct calculation.
Arbitrary discrete distribution
Using the three models above calculate \(Pr[N_i = n]\) for all plausible \(n\).
Drop estimates where \(Pr[N_i = n] \approx 0\)
Pick up to \(K\) equally spaced points in \(N\) to represent the distribution
Drop other points
Re-normalize so that \(\sum_k Pr[N_i = n] = 1\)
Each of the \(K\) points, \(\eta_k\), stands in for a larger set of similar values